Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events. 滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。
The fight against drug abuse goes on. 反对吸毒的斗争在继续。
Use of corporal punishment is linked to negative outcomes for children ( e.g., delinquency, antisocial behavior, psychological problems, and alcohol and drug abuse), and may be indicative of ineffective parenting. 体罚的使用和孩子成长的负面结果存在关联(比如少年犯罪、反社会行为、心理问题、酒精和毒品滥用),可能表明了家长失职。
Her reason of death is much in relation to drug abuse and alcohol. 她的死亡原因也跟她长期吸毒和酗酒不无关系。
The discoveries serve as a new lens for exploring such teen behaviors as bullying and drug abuse. 这些发现为我们探索青少年恃强凌弱和滥用毒品等行为提供了新的视角。
We can't take a laissez-faire attitude to drug abuse. 我们对毒品泛滥不能听之任之。
Objective: To analyze the personality characteristics and propose preventive suggestions for drug abuse. 目的:对吸毒者的人格特点进行全面分析,并提出干预建议。
6% of illicit drug abuse/ dependence; 非法药物滥用/依赖的6%;
Only the other week the local newspaper ran a feature on drug abuse. 当地报纸在不久前的一个星期,刚刚刊登了一篇关于吸毒问题的特写文章。
National Council on the integral prevention of drug abuse and treatment, rehabilitation and social resettlement; 全国综合预防药物滥用和戒毒、康复和重返社会理事会;
United Nations International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 联合国药物滥用和非法贩运问题国际会议
They expressed their anger at the drug abuse of their nation's youth. 他们表达了对毒品在青少年中泛滥现象的不满。
United Nations and Drug Abuse Control 联合国和药物滥用管制
A correlation between drug abuse and crime. 吸毒和犯罪之间的相互关联。
European Collaboration against Illicit Trafficking and Drug Abuse 欧洲禁止非法贩运和滥用麻醉药品协调合作
Humanity does not have to be the victim of these savage efforts to prevent drug abuse. 不必为了阻止毒品滥用而让人性成为这些野蛮行动的受害者。
It analyses the world drug abuse situation and develops proposals to strengthen international drug control. 该委员会分析全世界的药物滥用情况并拟订加强国际药物管制的建议。
Drug abuse and illicit trafficking 药物滥用和非法贩运
Most have a history of drug abuse, and70 percent have been diagnosed with depression or other mental illnesses. 多数人都有吸毒的历史,百分之70的人被诊断有精神压迫症和其他一些心里疾病。
Declaration on the Control of Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse 管制药品贩运和药品滥用宣言
Too many people do not realize what a colossal problem drug abuse is in our society today. 太多的人并没有意识到,一个巨大的问题,药物滥用,是在我们今天的社会。
Drug testing and epidemiological surveys are essential components in the prevention and intervention of illegal drug abuse. 毒品鉴验分析与流行病学调查是毒品防制上极为重要的基础工程。
These include withdrawal, anger, recklessness, mood changes, purposelessness, anxiety and drug abuse. 这包括退缩,愤怒,鲁莽,焦虑和吸毒。
Centre for information and education for the prevention of drug abuse; 预防吸毒信息和教育中心;
Taking the prevention of drug abuse by teenagers as a basic project in drug control. 把预防青少年吸毒作为禁毒工作的基础工程。
A study of the relationship of drug abuse with life events coping style and family function 生活事件、应付方式和家庭职能与药物滥用关系的研究
International Campaign against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 国际禁止药物滥用和非法贩运运动
In the nineteen eighties and nineties he had problems with drug abuse and alcoholism. 在20世纪八十年代和九十年代,他曾与吸毒和酗酒的问题。
Programme of international drug abuse control strategy and policies; 国际药物滥用管制战略和政策方案;